Geometric Lace · Notable Works · Shop Patterns

Geometric Lace: Shop


Geometric Lace

Crafters: See my pattern for this blanket on Etsy and Ravelry. Also, for folks interested in the color placement of this piece, please see this post.

Looking for a blanket like this to match your home décor? I have made this blanket in many color-ways. Browse some pieces that I have made in this style, and then choose the quick-pay option or make a custom request by filling out the form.

Current pricing is .065USD per square inch – example: 36×36 inch piece is 84USD. (I price this way to make it easy to see what size fits your budget!) Shipping cost is based on Domestic (USA) or International location.

At-a-Glance Gallery of my Geometric Lace Blankets


Would you like this blanket in the most popular size of 49×64″ (204USD)? Use my quick-pay option below and I will email you regarding your custom color and design!

Buy Now Button with Credit Cards

Request a Custom Piece

Fill out the following form and I will promptly contact you !

Please include the following information in the text box, and I will email you back with a proposal:

{Preferred size, color choice, edging type/color.} All of these can be chosen from the photos above – just reference the blanket numbers.

If you have a different color palette/edging/design in mind, please feel free to describe it! Your custom color palette request can be as detailed as a list of colors, or as vague as “pastels without any green.” I am open to making anything! Payment can be made via PayPal or credit card.

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