Notable Works · Textured Circles

Textured Circles: Shop


Textured Circles

Crafters: See my free pattern for this blanket here.

Looking for a blanket like this to match your home décor? I have made this blanket in many color-ways. Browse some pieces that I have made in this style, and then choose the quick-pay option or make a custom request by filling out the form.

Current pricing is .065USD per square inch – example: 36×36 inch piece is 84USD. (I price this way to make it easy to see what size fits your budget!) Shipping cost is based on Domestic (USA) or International location.


Would you like this blanket in the most popular size of 56×56″ (204USD)? Use my quick-pay option below and I will email you regarding your custom color and design!

Buy Now Button with Credit Cards

Request a Custom Piece

Fill out the following form and I will promptly contact you !

Please include the following information in the text box, and I will email you back with a proposal:

{Preferred size, color choice, edging type/color.} All of these can be chosen from the photos above – just reference the blanket numbers.

If you have a different color palette/edging/design in mind, please feel free to describe it! Your custom color palette request can be as detailed as a list of colors, or as vague as “pastels without any green.” I am open to making anything! Payment can be made via PayPal or credit card.

12 thoughts on “Textured Circles: Shop

      1. Thanks so much for the quick reply I really appreciate your help. Thanks for making such awesome patterns.

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