Vibrant Vintage

Vibrant Vintage No. 3


My gorgeous daughter at 3 years old! And pleased as punch sitting with my handy basket o’ yarn šŸ™‚ 



Shop this gorgeous multicolor KnitPicks Chroma yarn. You won’t be disappointed! It’s one of my favorite yarns ever. So nice to work with and the color is a dream. To read more about it, see my yarny review at my Crafter site. 


Pattern info: the hexagon isn’t my pattern, but I wrote a little info on how I made this blanket here – you can find the half hexie and links to the original pattern on that post. 





The border is a slight variation on my free Treble Scallop Edging. Check it out! Use it to make a blanket look dainty without going over the top.



15 thoughts on “Vibrant Vintage No. 3

    1. Thank you! I really did enjoy this project. Definitely an even bigger fan of Chroma. My dream come true would be if it were easy-care, but man it’s a delight to work with! šŸ™‚

  1. Hi there

    Absolutely love the blanket. Was wondering how many balls of the chroma did you use roughly and in what colours??

  2. Love this blanket!! How did you do the triangle fill-in though?? Ot looks like just a mesh stitch like in the hexagon but i can’t figure out how to do it!

    1. Hey there! I didn’t write the pattern but basically I just started at one side of the gap, and did a (ch 3, sc) repeat back and forth, until the gap was filled. Hope this helps a bit! – happy crafting! – RC

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